Woodland Trust Carbon Capture

We have teamed up with The Woodland Trust and Premier Paper who have developed a range of paper that helps businesses like ours to curb carbon emissions by planting trees. Along with other companies across the UK, we have signed up to the Carbon Capture Scheme, which utilises a carbon initiative to mitigate the CO2 emissions generated by the production, storage and distribution of the paper we purchase.
We pay an additional levy for each tonne of paper we buy. This is passed on to the Trust to fund the planting of trees, which absorb carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.
So far, since the start of the Carbon Capture Programme, 56,938 tonnes of carbon have been captured through this partnership. That’s as heavy as 11,000 elephants or 11.3 billion sheets of A4 paper! We cannot claim to have captured this much on our own, but through our involvement in the scheme since we joined in August 2021, we have contributed to the planting of over 6886 square meters of new native woodland and helped capture over 275 tonnes of carbon. This is all thanks to the purchase of calendars made by our customers.
As part of our involvement in the scheme, we were invited to a tree planting day where businesses came together to plant native trees at the latest site for planting in Derbyshire. By working in partnership in this way, we can ensure we are absorbing carbon and protecting, preserving and restoring precious woodland across the UK.