Sustainability Policy

Rose Calendars recognise the importance of taking an environmentally aware route in our business and undertake a number of initiatives to minimise impact, leading to a sustainable future for our business and the calendars we produce.
Tree Planting

Working in partnership with the Woodland Trust and Premier Paper, a clever carbon initiative mitigates the carbon produced in the production of the paper we use in our calendars. Last year 275 tonnes of carbon was captured and 6886 square meters of new native woodland was achieved as a direct result of this initiative.
Paper Recycling

As a company which uses paper extensively, we recycle as much paper as possible. In the past 12 months we have recycled over 205 tonnes of paper and board which is used to produce new recycled material.
Solar Powered Factory

Using the 198 photovoltaic panels on our factory roof, we have cut Rose Calendars’ total annual power consumption by 25% and reduced our CO2 emissions by 60,000KG a year.
Sustainably Sourced Paper

All of our pictorial and commercial wall calendars are produced using paper from sustainable sources. This means the mills we purchase the paper from are FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified and encourage management of forestry resources in an environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable way.
Eco-conscious Inks

All our pictorial wall and desk calendars are printed using inks which minimise environmental impact. Depending on the product, these may be vegetable based inks made from vegetable oils such as soybean and linseed (rather than petroleum), or part organic/fully recyclable inks.
Carbon Neutral Deliveries

Using our partner couriers, all the standard deliveries we make in the UK are sent using carbon neutral delivery services.
Recycled Mailers

All our mailing cartons are made using recycled materials and include a recycled logo embossed on the reverse of each carton. This message reaches customers, demonstrating that your calendars convey the right image for your brand.

As part of our litho printing process, our presses use rubber ‘blankets’ to transfer the ink. The materials are sent for recycling and are repurposed to create new composite for surfaces on children’s play areas.
Low Energy

Low energy light fittings in our printing factory have been installed to reduce power together with the use of a voltage optimiser.
Zero to landfill

All our waste materials are recycled or repurposed including all paper board, plastics, metal, ink, chemicals and computer hardware through regeneration programmes. This results in zero waste to landfill.
Heat Regeneration

Used heat generated by machines is diverted into the factory during the winter months to aid heating the building and pumped outside during the summer.
Pallet Recycling

We enjoy working with a selection of local organisations and charities to use our unwanted pallets.A proportion of these are donated to a local charity, Sailship, which caters for adults with learning difficulties and a mental health support need, who wish to develop work and life skills towards further training, employment or volunteering. For others, the charity affords an opportunity for social interaction and psychological health improvements through its social and therapeutic provisions. Sailship use the pallets to create picket fencing, decking, furniture, planters, bug hotels and kindling. Many of the items are sold in their onsite shop and the profits are then used by the organisation.
Other local partners use the pallets in repurposed items such as furniture and sustainable developments.