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Rose Calendars wins at awards

Rose Calendars walked away with not one, but five awards in diverse categories at the 2009 National Business Calendar Awards, held last month at The London College of Communication. The 100 year old calendar manufacturer dazzled the industry and was once again a clear favourite amongst the judges at the NBCA Awards.

The National Business Calendar Awards is an industry-wide, national competition that recognises the best calendar in design, style and quality of reproduction. This year marked the 41st anniversary of the NBCA awards and was clearly illustrated in the triumphant turnout of key players that have contributed to the industry.

Rose Calendars received one of most prestige awards in the competition in the category for the Corporate Stock Calendars Award. 'Eco', published, printed and designed by Rose Calendars, won the trophy for this category. The judges liked how it is printed on recycled paper throughout and found the recycling information to be unique and surprising. Furthermore, the judges presented the trophy to Rose Calendars for this title due to the skilful use of colour and beautiful images used throughout the calendar leaves.

The Certificate of Merit in the Corporate Stock Calendars category was additionally awarded to Rose Calendars for their 'Back to Business Calendar'. This title features images from working life of the past, and the judges found the treatment of the front cover of a two-tone approach, to be very striking.

The second category Rose Calendars won was for the 'Best New Calendar Award'. The first prize trophy was awarded to 'Explore', published, printed and designed by Rose Calendars. This striking new title encompasses all that is desirable in calendar design: well-chosen images, skilful handling of colour - and above all, a functional and workmanlike calendar.

The Highly Commended Certificate for 'Best Natural History Photographic Calendar' was awarded to 'Wild Nature', published, printed and designed by Rose Calendars. Rose Calendars' commitment to conservation via this calendar is clearly evident, not only by the choice of images that portray animals under threat, but additionally by detailed instructions on how to recycle the calendar. For the same category, the Certificate of Merit was awarded to 'Rural Britain', for this calendar offers a collection of wild landscapes demonstrating how nature thrives best.

These promotional calendars are being published as a 2010 calendar and can be personalised with your company's details.

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