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Rose Calendars features in BBC Top Gear Challenge

Colchester based Calendar manufacturer Rose Calendars geared up for some national TV coverage last weekend (6th July), when BBC’s Top Gear ran one of their presenters challenges to include producing calendars.

The challenge, which involved the 3 main presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond, was shown on Sunday evening’s show and involved each presenter taking their own picture and producing a calendar. Each presenter had an Alfa Romeo which featured in their calendars, which they then had to sell in one WH Smith London shop.

BBC Top Gear commissioned 3 printed calendars from Rose Calendars who are based in Colchester, Essex. The local printer/publisher printed the calendars on their new digital machine and delivered them to London in time for the filming of the show which took place last week. In a last minute change to the plans the calendars were unfortunately cut up and pasted by the presenters into hand made versions, as it was felt the original ones were much too professional! However, a good selection of samples from their promotional calendars range was featured all be it briefly on the show.

"We were very proud to be asked to work for the BBC to print calendars for Top Gear. It’s a prestigious show, which I enjoy very much, and to gain some coverage for our calendars is added bonus. I watched the show on Sunday evening and despite our professionally printed calendars not being used, we did get some good product placement on some of our other titles”

Michael Rose, Managing Director of Rose of Colchester Ltd

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